Latest News Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:00:00 GMT en-us 2020-21 High School Wrestling Rules Changes Address Weigh-In Procedures, Hair-Length Restrictions NFHS WRESTLING 2020-21 High School Wrestling Rules Changes Address Weigh-In Procedures, Hair-Length Restrictions Posted (Tue) April 28, 2020 As the result of a concerted effort to accommodate the growing number of female wrestlers, the 2020-21 high school wrestling rules changes are headlined by significant adjustments to weigh-in protocol and appropriate hair-length requirements... more NFHS WRESTLING

2020-21 High School Wrestling Rules Changes Address Weigh-In Procedures, Hair-Length Restrictions

Posted (Tue) April 28, 2020
As the result of a concerted effort to accommodate the growing number of female wrestlers, the 2020-21 high school wrestling rules changes are headlined by significant adjustments to weigh-in protocol and appropriate hair-length requirements... more ]]>
Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:00:00 GMT