Latest News Tue, 26 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT en-us Waiakea boys and Sacred Hearts girls takes home 2010 HHSAA Air Riflery Championship titles HHSAA AIR RIFLERY Waiakea boys and Sacred Hearts girls takes home 2010 HHSAA Air Riflery Championship titles Posted (Tue) October 26, 2010 In 2010 Air Riflery championship held at Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall, Waiakea boys and Sacred Hearts girls took home their championship crown... more HHSAA AIR RIFLERY

Waiakea boys and Sacred Hearts girls takes home 2010 HHSAA Air Riflery Championship titles

Posted (Tue) October 26, 2010
In 2010 Air Riflery championship held at Blaisdell Center Exhibition Hall, Waiakea boys and Sacred Hearts girls took home their championship crown... more ]]>
Tue, 26 Oct 2010 00:00:00 GMT