Latest News Sat, 12 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT en-us Punahou boys and girls Sweeps DataHouse/HHSAA Wrestling Championships HHSAA WRESTLING Punahou boys and girls Sweeps DataHouse/HHSAA Wrestling Championships Posted (Sat) February 12, 2011 In the 2011 Wrestling Championships held at the Blaisdell Arena on Friday and Saturday, Punahou boys and girls teams scored 210.0 and 149.5 respectively to take home championship titles... more HHSAA WRESTLING

Punahou boys and girls Sweeps DataHouse/HHSAA Wrestling Championships

Posted (Sat) February 12, 2011
In the 2011 Wrestling Championships held at the Blaisdell Arena on Friday and Saturday, Punahou boys and girls teams scored 210.0 and 149.5 respectively to take home championship titles... more ]]>
Sat, 12 Feb 2011 00:00:00 GMT